who was betrayed by His own disciple. If we can pass around a correct likeness, and not a caricature of the Truth, we shall stand for ever in the Kingdom of Heaven, and our little candle will shine bright and unashamed by the side of the Great Sun of Truth in that day.
1 Job 42,7-9.
2 2 Peter 2,1.
3 2 Tim. 4,3.
4 Matt. 24,45-47.
5 1 Cor. 4,1-5.
6 2 Pet. 2,3. 2 Cor. 2,17. 1 Pet. 5,2.
Titus 1,11.
7 Acts 20,30. Eph. 4,14.
8 Gal. 1,10.
9 Gal. 2,12.
10 Heb. 6,1-14. 2 Tim. 2,15.
11 1 Tim. 6,3-5.
12 Mark 7,7-13.
13 John 9,34.
14 Matt. 10,42.