(1 Cor. 14:5). And so we are to covet earnestly "the greater gifts" (1 Cor. 12:31). It is clear from Our Lord's ministry that His power too increased, for example from the raising of a little girl just dead on her bed, through the raising of a young man being carried out to his burial, to the amazing raising of a stinking corpse, which caused, in the words of his enemies, "the world to go after Him". In the same way Moses' power advanced from turning a rod into a serpent, through the various plagues in Egypt, up to the drowning of the armies of Egypt in the Red Sea. There is in the Bible no limit to the gifts which the Lord is willing to give to His brethren, except the plain statement of 1 Cor. 12:23‑25, that the greater gifts are especially for those that lack any other useful endowment.