of the Temple by the Romans, and the occupation of the Promised Land for many centuries by their unbelieving enemies. Yet throughout this Jewish Age the Lord God was picking out His Jewels, such as the seven thousand in Israel in Elijah's time (1 Kings 19:18) or those who remained faithful in the evil days of Malachi; "And they shall be Mine, saith the Lord of Hosts, in that day when I make up my Jewels" (Malachi 3:17).

This story, however, of almost unrelieved gloom and sin and unbelief has within the last few years been lit up by the partial return of the Jewish Nation to a portion of their home in Palestine, albeit in unbelief and without access to the Temple site! They will therefore be obliged to wait until they are allowed by the King of the North to rebuild their Temple upon its own site, only to find themselves tricked, and at the last moment expelled, and Anti-Christ the protégé of Satan installed and worshipped in their Temple in place of Jesus, the Son of God! (Revelation Ch. 13).

At the same time it is made clear in the Old Testament and corroborated in the New Testament, that in the Millennium the restored and resurrected Jewish Nation will be resettled in a divinely restored Jerusalem, and a new Palestine, to rule over such as are left of the Gentile Nations after the Great Tribulation, and the destruction of Anti-Christ and his kingdom. (Ezekiel 36-38); (Zechariah 14; Revelation 20:1-3).