story—nay, the tale will never be finished, but will go on unfolding and unfolding!

These two streams of Truth must then flow together in our souls. God's Love does not mean that we can break His Law with impunity, nor does His Law leave us in a hopeless place of guilt. God's love paid the price of our sin, but not in order that we might continue in sin, but instead that, being set free from sin and its penalty, we might never sin again, but live a righteous life. God's Law and its essential Majesty keep us from making the deadly mistake of thinking that He is too kind to punish sin. On the contrary it is His Love, which laid down the Law of Love, without which happiness would be unattainable. As Psalm 85:10 points out, "Mercy and Truth are met together, Righteousness and Peace have kissed each other". The fear of God's justice is tempered by the realisation of His Love. His Love is safeguarded from the danger of abuse by the terror of His Justice (2 Corinthians 5:11). At Calvary both Love and Justice meet, and together produce a heart set against sin, and ravished with Love and Gratitude. Here, and here alone, is the foundation of Eternal Bliss. The mind is satisfied, the will is fixed, and the heart is filled with joy and peace.