There flow from the Cross of Calvary two broad streams of Truth which together can wash the soul of man and change his whole outlook upon the Creation. The first of these streams can be called 'The Majesty of the Law'; the second 'The Love of God'.

1. The Majesty of the Law

In all human society Law is given a high place. Even the most primitive tribes have their social and moral customs which are strictly observed. It has been found by experience that social life must be regulated by social laws. Nowhere is murder a duty, nor theft encouraged. The reason is of course that where there is no law there is no security, and when there is no security there is no happiness. Everywhere therefore Law is honoured as the basis of a settled social life, and everywhere the law-breaker is punished, that law-breaking and its consequent inconveniences may be abolished. It is the policeman, not the burglar, who enables us to sleep in our beds at night! Wherever Law is despised, and justice flouted, there is cruelty and sorrow and apprehension.

Yet, when we come into contact with God, it is His Law that offends us! Rather do we expect a God of Love to be lenient and accommodating. God could not be so cruel as to send the sinner to Hell, we say. Yet, if the earthly judge refused to send the burglar to prison because he 'loved' him, there would soon be an outcry! We expect the earthly judge to be exact in his duties, and to put the happiness of society,