The phrase in Ephesians 3:11 "the eternal purpose"—which would be more correctly translated 'the plan of the Ages'—and that other phrase, so frequently occurring, "for ever and ever"—which should be translated 'unto the Ages of the Ages'—combine to give us our first intimation that the Creation was not just like a clock which would continue ticking obediently when once it was wound up, but was rather the beginning of a vast series of events, which would continue unfolding "for ever and ever". The word 'Age' really means a portion of time during which God is accomplishing some purpose. When that purpose is brought to its completion, then the age changes, and the Almighty begins another purpose, which in its turn is accomplished, and gives way to yet another Age.

To men living on this earth time is measured by minutes, hours, days, years. To the Eternal these puny measurements do not count; a thousand years is no more to Him than a day (2 Peter 3:8). Living far above all Heavens the mere lapse of Time is immaterial: it is His purposes only which count: and He has divided time up into Ages, or Ages of Ages; that is, a succession of His Plans, which follow each other in orderly fashion, having as an end—but there is to be no end! The Creation once begun will proceed into perfections hidden in God, without end! Eternal life is a conception beyond our grasping, an unspeakable gift!

It follows therefore that before "The Beginning of the