In the New Covenant the privilege is opened to all the Sons of God at their own desire. (Ex. 3 & 4, Jer. 1:4-7, Ezek. 3:14, Jonah, Amos 7:10-15, John 7:39, Acts 2:38-39, 5:32, Gal. 4:6.)

N.B.2. The Holy Spirit comes as Comforter, Guide, Teacher, Co-Worker and Lord. We are to please Him, therefore, and not to cause Him grief. The great essential for all who seek the Baptism in the Spirit is a determination to obey Him when He has entered. Failure to do so, and continuous stubbornness, will lead to the disaster which overtook Saul. (I Sam. 16:14, Josh. 5:13, Eph. 2:22, 4:30, Heb. 6:3-8, 10:26-31, I Tim. 1:19.)

N.B.3. The Baptism in the Spirit is not a means whereby the believer is sanctified; it is the means whereby the already sanctified believer is enabled to do the miraculous works of God, by the power of the indwelling Spirit of God. (Acts 1:8, Lk. 24:49, I Cor. 12-14, John 5:19-30, Lk. 4:14, Mt. 12:28.)

N.B.4. Sanctification is the effect of the Word of God on the obedient hearer. As the true state of affairs enters the believer's heart, he is more and more powerfully drawn not only to forsake sin, but also to throw himself heart and soul into his Master's business. For sanctification is not the cultivation of one's own soul, which leads to Pharisaism, but the whole-hearted interest in the souls of others. (Lk. 15:25-30, Is. 65:1-5, John 8:31-2, 15:3, 17:17, Eph. 5:26.)