the thought that he had always found faith difficult, and was in this way handicapped: but, since it is the gift of God, all men may have it, for God gives it freely to all who will accept it. Indeed, men whose thoughts have been far from God have found themselves suddenly believing in Christ so that to their great surprise the whole course of their lives has been changed. God has made it possible for the most difficult and unlikely soul to believe, by giving him spirit, the source of faith, that through which the unseen is apprehended. The soul by itself is not in touch with spiritual things: but as soon as its spirit is quickened by God, the soul finds itself believing in what before seemed to it foolishness. (I Cor. 2:10-16.)

The Food of Faith

The food of faith is the Word of God. Without regular feeding, the spirit grows weakly and eventually dies, just as the body cannot remain alive without its proper food. Christian weakness is due generally, not to inherent inability or wickedness, but simply to malnutrition or positive starvation. This God-given food rightly used, is sufficient to ensure spiritual victory on earth, and to give us our inheritance in heaven. Like the body, the spirit needs not only food but exercise. This exercise is most naturally taken in prayer. A spirit which is fed by the Word soon grows strong enough to engage in prayer and to exercise spiritual gifts. (Mt. 4:4, II Tim. 3:14-17, I Tim. 4:13-16, Deut. 8:3, I Peter 2:1-3, Acts 20:32, Jer. 15:16, John 6:26-63, Job 23:12, Ezek. 2:8-3:3.)

The Fight of Faith

The fight of faith is allowed by God to bring us to a state of strength and purity. Faith, the gift of God, brings justification; tried faith covers us with glory. (Job, chapters 1 and 2, James 1:3, 12, I Peter 1:7, Lk. 22:28-29, I Tim. 6:12, II Tim. 4:7, Eph. 6:12, Mt. 4:1-11.)

The Rest of Faith

The effect of such a tried faith is peace of mind, and the ability to depend not upon ourselves, but upon God. (Heb. 3:13-4:11, Rom. 5:1-11, I Peter 1:21.)