we will, but we shall fail. If the Spirit is grieved by our neglect or unbelief, He will move to more congenial quarters, where His will and powers are eagerly sought. We are dealing not with theology but with living persons! However correct our definitions of the gifts may be, the Spirit will have no pleasure in them unless we are also in active possession of the gifts. Otherwise He is fretted by continuous frustration and inability to do what He wants, and will turn to seek others who will be more usable.

The Dynamic of the Spirit

We have already mentioned the case of Clara Villanueva, the demon-attacked girl in Manila, whose remarkable case was in all the newspapers throughout the Philippines, and that for weeks. Everybody from ministers to psychologists, from spiritists to doctors, tried to deal with her condition or explain it: everyone was absorbed or frightened by its strangeness: but no one could understand or help, till the Lord sent His servant Lester Sumrall to pray for her with the utmost publicity. Then her complete deliverance laid the foundation throughout the whole country for the campaigns of Valdez and Ericson, with the result that today the Pentecostals in the Philippines very far outnumber those in Great Britain. Again, when Brother Scothern began his campaign in West Africa, his claims were challenged by the Mohammedan leaders, who wrote to leading persons, pastors and editors of newspapers stating that Christianity must stand the test of the supernatural before it could be accepted. This challenge was taken up, and there followed a scene reminiscent of that on Mount Carmel, when Elijah faced the