Council has printed his addresses lest these last words should be forgotten.

The Danger of Substitutes

These articles on Spiritual Gifts have been written not so much to present correct definitions—that is a matter of opinion—as to place before the readers the glorious possibilities offered to them in the word, and to set brethren and sisters seeking for them. It cannot be questioned that today our movement has brought in many things that the fathers of it would never have countenanced. There has been a steady drift to the natural; choirs, soloists, musical instruments, etc., which, however delightful, give only harmless pleasure and not spiritual power; and in our homes, radio, television and the like, which inject worldly poison into our minds, and turn us away from the continuous daily life in the Spirit, such as the pioneers of our experience enjoyed. It cannot, I think, be questioned that those who habitually use such pleasures are never those who "covet earnestly the greater gifts". The statement is sometimes made that youth requires such things to hold them: but nothing holds youth like the supernatural in action in their lives. The difficulty is to hold youth without it. Where it is present they don't need holding, they cling on with both hands! Fresh young minds are more able to appreciate the possibilities of the Spirit than those which are more sophisticated and critical.

Here it is good to remind ourselves that the future of our movement does not depend upon our efforts or desires, but upon our Lord's will. If He is not pleased with our ways we may do what