When however we are enabled to speak in more than one language by The Spirit, it is clear that much greater possibilities of usefulness are opened out to us. Some years ago this Magazine contained an account of a lady visitor, who in the course of her work came across a Chinaman dying in an attic. He could not understand her English and paid no attention to her, until she was able to speak to him in Chinese, a miracle which resulted in his salvation. The lady on leaving him was directed by the Spirit to talk to two Japanese, who were standing on the street, in their own language, and one of them was thus led to the Lord.

It is stated that quite recently a Pentecostal Evangelist preaching in Russia, whose interpreter spat at him and refused to continue interpreting, was enabled by the Spirit to finish his sermon in Russian. But wherever Missionaries have thought that this gift would spare them the trouble of learning the language of those to whom they went, they seem to have been disappointed: doubtless because a knowledge of the language was necessary if the Scriptures were to be translated, and also the gift was not meant to enable us to carry on the ordinary conversation of life, but to convey the thoughts and needs, not of the Missionary but of the Holy Spirit. It must always be kept in mind that the Gifts of The Spirit are to express the desires of The Spirit, not of the possessor of the Gift.

It would seem however that, when it is the will of the Holy Ghost, the possession of this gift can counteract the curse of the confusion of tongues, and enable the Gospel Message to be made known, to the salvation of souls. Of this there are modern