to continue His life of power upon the earth. Any other motive for seeking the gifts of the Spirit is mistaken, and will lead to disappointment and even disaster, for power always leads to temptation and great power to great temptation. Secular history is full of illustrations of this truth, and the history of the Church of Christ tells of many men who began well, but were not able to finish. A man of power has temptations to face of which the little man knows nothing. Pride, covetousness, jealousy, popularity, all knock at his heart incessantly; and, as the Acts and the Epistles show, the pathway of the Church has been from the beginning strewn with splits and divisions and personal antagonisms which have crippled it, and at times brought it to a standstill. It is only when power is used to enable the Lord to do what He wants that the user is safe. It is the marvel of the Lord's life that with all His Power He never enriched or profited Himself. He saved others; Himself He could, but would not, save! Men who "turn the world upside down" invariably taste its retaliation. A powerless Christ might have died in His bed: it was the raising of Lazarus that sealed His doom (John 11:45-53).

At this point we may perhaps for a moment consider the two Scriptural descriptions of the Pentecostal experience. We may ask either, have you had your Baptism? or, have you received the Spirit? (Acts 19:2). The former draws attention to the first incoming of the Spirit, the latter to His continued manifestation of His presence. It was this latter that Paul missed at Ephesus. A true Pentecostal Church is not one whose members have "had their Baptism", but one in which the Spirit is able to manifest Himself in the nine