Priesthood in Psalm 110, His Royalty in Psalm 2, His Marriage in Psalm 45, His Ministry in Isaiah 61, His Return in Isaiah 63.

The very words He spoke, the parables He uttered, were culled from the Word of God in the Old Testament. The parable of the Vine from Isaiah 5, the parable of the Good Shepherd from Ezekiel 34, Psalm 23 and other Scriptures. Micah 7:6 burst through His lips in Matthew 10:36. Hosea 6:1-3 inspired His certainty of Calvary, the Resurrection on the third day, and Pentecost. It was all in the Book, and after thirty years it was in the Christ of God. The Book had made the Babe of Bethlehem what He had been before He left Heaven: the written Word had formed the Incarnate Word.

The modernist has made great play with the Kenosis theory, but the Plerosis has escaped him.* His ignorance of the Scriptures has led him into the same misapprehension of the nature of Christ as that which clouded the minds of the men of Nazareth and Jerusalem. They saw only the carpenter of Nazareth; they missed the Word of God that had been poured into that humble person: they were so obsessed with the ordinariness of the earthen vessel that they overlooked the treasure within. As with the critics, their minds were so filled with the darkness which they loved that they could not see the Light of the World, nor value the Pearl of Great Price. Christ explained their sinful condition by the fact that they knew not the Scriptures. The Light He had was for them too; in Luke 24 He called them fools and slow of heart for missing what He had seen. What a lesson lies here for the Christian of the Last Days!

The Book has been so designed by God that only the patient student can hope to understand it. It is like a

*Greek :        Kenosis—emptiness